Gorditas: A New Mexico Favorite


Gorditas are a beloved New Mexican dish that consists of small fried corn cakes stuffed with a variety of fillings. In this blog post, we will explore the process of making gorditas, from preparing the ground beef picadillo filling to creating the dough and frying the cakes. Gorditas are a versatile and delicious dish that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Let’s dive in and learn how to make this New Mexico favorite!

The Ground Beef Picadillo

The first step in making gorditas is preparing the ground beef picadillo filling. Picadillo is a mixture of ground beef, tomatoes, and potatoes. To make the picadillo, start by trimming the ends of a potato and cutting it into quarter-inch pieces. In a skillet, cook one pound of 85% lean ground beef with salt and black pepper until it is no longer pink. Add chopped tomatoes and onions to the skillet and cook for another five minutes. Break up the meat as it cooks to avoid large meatballs in the gorditas. Add minced garlic cloves, ground cumin, and all-purpose flour to the skillet and cook for another minute. Finally, add water and bring the mixture to a boil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set aside.

Preparing the Gordita Dough

Now it’s time to make the gordita dough. In a bowl, combine five cups of masa harina (a corn flour), two teaspoons of table salt, and three-quarters of a cup of Colby Jack cheese. Add room temperature water and mix until a dough forms. Portion the dough into 12 half-cup portions and roll each portion into a smooth ball. Place the dough balls on a parchment-lined baking sheet and cover with a damp towel to prevent drying.

Pressing and Frying the Gorditas

To create the gorditas, take a dough ball and roll it into a smooth ball. Use a glass pie plate to press the dough ball into a four-inch diameter circle. If the edges crack, wet your hands and smooth them out. Transfer the pressed gorditas to a parchment-lined baking sheet and cover with a damp towel to prevent drying. Repeat this process until all the dough balls are pressed and stacked on the baking sheet.

Now it’s time to fry the gorditas. Heat vegetable oil in a large pot to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Gently slide four gorditas into the hot oil and fry for five minutes on each side, until they are golden brown. The frying time ensures that the gorditas are cooked throughout and have a crispy exterior. Drain the fried gorditas on paper towels and repeat the frying process with the remaining dough.

Assembling and Enjoying the Gorditas

Once the gorditas have cooled for about 10 minutes, it’s time to assemble them. Reheat the ground beef picadillo filling and cut a slit in each gordita to create a pocket. Fill the pocket with the picadillo, along with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, and hot sauce, according to your preferences. The gorditas are now ready to be enjoyed! The combination of the crispy corn cake, flavorful picadillo, and fresh toppings creates a delicious and satisfying dish.


Gorditas are a New Mexico favorite for a reason. The combination of the crispy corn cake and flavorful fillings makes for a truly satisfying meal. Whether you prefer a traditional ground beef picadillo filling or want to get creative with different combinations of meats, cheeses, and vegetables, gorditas are a versatile dish that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. So why not give this New Mexico favorite a try and enjoy the deliciousness of homemade gorditas?

Disclaimer: This blog post is a transcript from a video from “Cook’s Country” and has been repurposed into a blog format by a professional blog writer. The content of this blog is based solely on the information provided in the video and does not reflect the opinions or expertise of the blog writer.

Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional culinary advice. Please consult a chef or other culinary expert for personalized guidance.

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